
Final fantasy tactics wiegraf
Final fantasy tactics wiegraf

final fantasy tactics wiegraf

To anyone who said they're gonna give this a go, definitely take others' advice and make some backup saves. I don't know how Square doesn't throw money at this guy to write every FF story.

final fantasy tactics wiegraf final fantasy tactics wiegraf

The web of relationships amongst this mammoth ensemble is nothing short of impressive. The character work is the best in any FF game I've seen, by a lot. Ramza is such a likeable protagonist, and Delita is a great anti-hero. I kind of love that the writer just decided to learn hard into it, though. The story is great, even if all the betrayals are a bit ridiculous. Give this series' director all the budget and make it happen, Square. I also really hope one day SE considers doing a 3D/AA entry in this series. I love this game and have realized on this play-through that its probably a "top fiver" for me.but fuck this fight. Already at Chapter 3 and feeling much more confident than I have before. Last time I swore I was OP enough to not have to do the absurd min-maxing required for this fight, but I was wrong. I have started and stopped this game three times prior, to this stupidly designed fight. However, I will say I'm ashamed to admit I have never passed the infamous Wiegraf encounter.

final fantasy tactics wiegraf

Even minor characters like Milleuda have great back-and-forths with Ramza and co. Its a great ensemble cast of characters, and their motivations are usually very compelling and honestly makes me wish I could see some of these scenes in a modern/cinematic way. Maybe I'm a sucker for the "ye olde english" schtick, but I think its honestly written very well. I haven't played the game in the original translation and I know there's a bit of a debate as to which is better, but fuck I love the new translation. Strategic and dynamic gameplay being in the foreground but man the story. I'm about 10 hours back into it and its really giving me everything that I find lacking in a lot of JRPGs. Well, my first Tactics game was the GBA one, which I loved but WotL is really something special. The one that got me into RPGs in general. I got a few hours into trying Final Fantasy X before realizing any enjoyment I was getting from it was in an ironic way, and realized I need to go back to the OG. I played the first two acts of Dragon Quest XI and stopped due to pure boredom. I played through over half of Persona 5 before being put off by the blatant homophobia and tedium of the game in general. Over the past year or two, I've been trying to get back into JRPGs with little success.

Final fantasy tactics wiegraf